(詳細はFrench origin have entered the English language to the extent that many Latin words have come to the English language. ==A== *abandon *abandonment *abase (Old Fr. ''abaissier'') *abash (Old Fr. ''esbaïr'') *abate (Old Fr. ''abatre'', compare modern Fr. ''abattre'') *abatement (Old Fr. ''abatement'', compare modern Fr. ''abattement'') *abatis *abattoir *abbatial *abbe *abbess *abbey (Anglo Fr. ''abbeie'', from Old Fr. ''abaïe'', compare modern Fr. ''abbaye'') *abbreviation, (Fr.''abréviation'') *abdication *abet (Old Fr. ''abeter'') *abeyance (Anglo Fr. ''abeiance'', from Old Fr. ''abeance'') *abhor (Fr. ''abhorrer'') *ability (Old Fr. ''ableté'', compare modern Fr. ''habileté'' with restoration of initial ''h'' of Latin ''habilitas'') *abject *abjection *abjuration *abjure (Fr. ''abjurer'') *ablation (Fr. ''ablation'') *ablative *able, from Old French, compare modern Fr. ''habile'' or ''capable'' *ablution *abnormal compare ''anormal'' *aboard (Middle Fr. ''à bord'') *abolish, compare ''abolir'' *abolition *abominable *abomination *abound *abrasion *abrasive, Fr. ''abrasif'', ''abrasive''(fem.) *abridge, Fr. ''abréger'' *abrogation *abrupt *absence *absent *absinthe *absolute, from Middle French, compare modern Fr. ''absolu'' *absolution *absorb (Fr. ''absorber'') *abstain (Old Fr. ''abstenir'') *abstention *abstinence *abstinent *absurd *absurdity (Fr. ''absurdité'') *abundance (Old Fr. ''abundance'', modern Fr. ''abondance'') *abundant *abuse (Fr. ''abuser'') *abusive (Fr. ''abusif, abusive''(fem.) ) *abut (Old Fr. ''abouter'') *abysmal (Old Fr. ''abisme'') *academy, compare ''académie'', from anc. Greek ''akademeia'' *Acadia (Fr. ''Acadie'') *acceleration (Fr. ''accélération'') *accent (Fr. ''accent'') *accept (Fr ''accepter'') *acceptable *acceptance *access (Fr. ''accès'') *accessible *accession *accident *acclamation *acclimate (Fr. ''acclimater'') *accolade *accommodation *accompaniment (Fr. ''accompagnement'') *accompany (Old Fr. ''acompaignier'', modern Fr. ''accompagner'') *accomplice (Old Fr. ''complice'') *accomplish (Old Fr. ''acomplir'', modern Fr. ''accomplir'') *accord *accordance (Old Fr. ''accordance'') *accost *accoucheur *account (Old Fr. ''acont'') *accountant (Old Fr. ''acuntant'') *accoutre or accouter *accoutrements *accredit *accreditation *accrue *accumulation *accusation *accusative (Old Fr. ''accusatif'') *accuse *accustom (Old Fr. ''acostumer'', modern Fr. ''accoutumer'') *ace, (Old Fr. ''as'') *acephalous, (Fr. ''acéphale'') *acerbity, (Middle Fr. ''acerbité'') *acetic, (Fr. ''acétique'') *acetylene, (Fr. ''acétylène'') *achieve, (Old Fr. ''achever'') *achievement, (Fr. ''achèvement'') *acid, (Fr. ''acide'') *aconite, (Fr. ''aconit'') *acoustic, (Fr. ''acoustique'') *acquaint, (Old Fr. ''acointier'') *acquaintance, (Old Fr. ''acointance'') *acquiesce, (Middle Fr. ''acquiescer'') *acquiescence, (Middle Fr. ''acquiescence'') *acquire, (Old Fr. ''aquerre'') *acquisition *acquit (Old Fr. ''acquitter'') *acrimonious (Fr. ''acrimonieux'') *acrimony (Fr. ''acrimonie'') *acrobat (Fr. ''acrobate'') *acrobatic (Fr. ''acrobatique'') *acromegaly (Fr. ''acromégalie'') *across (Anglo Fr. ''an cros'') *act (Old Fr. ''acte'') *action *activity, (Middle French ''activité'') *actual, (Old French ''actuel'') *acuity, (Middle French ''acuité'') *adage *adapt, (Middle French ''adapter'') *adaptation *addition *address *adhere *adherence *adhesion *adhesive, compare ''adhésif'' or feminine form ''adhésive'' *adieu, which literally means "to God" (''à Dieu''), farewell *adjective, compare ''adjectif'' *adjoin *adjourn (Old French ''ajourner'') *adjudge (Old French ''ajugier'', compare modern French ''adjuger'') *adjust (Old French ''ajoster'', compare modern French ''ajuster'') *administer (Old French ''aministrer'', compare modern French ''administrer'') *administration *admirable *admiral (Old French ''amiral'') *admiration *admire *admissible *admission *admonish (Old French ''amonester'', compare modern French ''admonester'') *admonition *adolescence *adolescent *adopt *adoption *adorable *adoration *adore *adorn (Old French ''aourner'') *adornment (Old French ''aournement'') *adroit *adulation *adultery (Old French ''avoutrie'' or ''aoulterie'', compare modern Fr. ''adultère'') *advance (Old French ''avancer'') *advancement (Old French ''avancement'') *advantage (Old French ''avantage'') *advantageous *adventure, (Old French ''auenture'', compare modern Fr. ''aventure'') *adventurous, (Old French ''aventuros'', compare modern Fr. ''aventureux'') *adversary, (Anglo French ''adverser'', from Old Fr. ''adversier'', compare modern Fr. ''adversaire'') *adverse (Old French ''avers'', compare modern Fr. ''adverse'') *adversity (Anglo French ''aduersite'', from Old Fr. ''aversite'', compare modern Fr. ''adversité'') *advertisement, (French ''avertissement'' ()) *advice, (Old French ''avis'' ()) *advise, (Old French ''aviser'' (one's opinion )) *advocacy, (Old French ''advocacie'') *advocate (Old French ''avocat'' (or lawyer )) *aerobic (French ''aérobie'') *aerodynamics (French ''aérodynamique'') *aeronautics (French ''aéronautique'') *aeroplane (French ''aéroplane'') *affability (French ''affabilité'') *affable *affair, (Anglo-Norman ''afere'', from Old Fr. ''afaire'' or '' à faire'', compare modern Fr. ''affaire'') *affection *affiance (Old French ''afiancer'') *affiliation *affinity, (Old French ''afinité'', compare modern Fr. ''affinité'') *affirm, (Old French ''afermer'', compare modern Fr. ''affirmer'') *affirmation *affirmative *affix (Middle French ''affixer'', from Old Fr. ''afichier'', compare modern Fr. ''afficher'') *afflict *affliction *affluence *affluent *affront *afraid p.p. of afray (Anglo French ''afrayer'', from Old Fr. ''esfreer'', compare modern Fr. ''effrayer'')) *agate *age *agent provocateur *aggrandisement Fr. ''agrandissement'' *aggravation *aggression, compare ''フランス語:agression'' *aggrieve, (Old Fr. ''agrever'', compare modern Fr. ''aggraver'') *agile *agility *à gogo, or a-go-go, in abundance *agrarian *agree (Old Fr. ''agreer'', compare modern Fr. ''agréer'' (accept" or "to please" )) *agreeable, compare modern Fr. ''agréable'' *agreeance (Old Fr. ''agreance'') *agreement (Old Fr. ''agreement'', compare modern Fr. ''agrément'' (or amenity )) *agronomy *ague *aid (Old Fr. ''aide'') *aide-de-camp *aide-mémoire *aileron *aim (Old Fr. ''esmar'') *air *aisle *à la, in the style of... *alabaster, from Old French ''alabastre'' (>Latin> Greek> Ancient Egyptian ''a-labaste'') *à la carte *à la mode *alamode *alarm *alas, from Old French phrase ''"ha, las!"'', compare modern Fr. ''hélas'' *alchemist *alchemy *alcove *alembic Middle Fr. ''alambic'', from Arabic ''al anbiq'' *alert *algorithm *alien (Old Fr. ''alien'') *alienation (Middle Fr. ''alienation'') *align, (Middle Fr. ''aligner'') *alignment, (French ''alignement'') *allegation *allege *allegiance (Anglo French ''legaunce'', from Old Fr. ''legeance'', compare modern Fr. ''allégeance'') *allegorical *allegory *allemande *alley compare ''allée'' *alliance *allocation *allot (Old Fr. ''aloter'') *allotment Fr. ''alotement'' *allow (Old Fr. ''alouer'') *allowable (Old Fr. ''alouable'') *allowance (Old Fr. ''alouance'') *alloy (Anglo Fr. ''alai'', from Old Fr. ''aleier'') *allude *allure *ally (Old Fr. ''alier'') *almond, (Old Fr. ''almande'', compare modern Fr. ''amande'') *almoner (Old Fr. ''almosnier'', compare modern Fr. ''aumônier'') *alter *alteration *altruism *altruistic *alum *amass *amateur *ambassador *amber *ambergris *ambiance *ambience *ambiguity *ambiguous *ambition *amble (Old Fr. ''ambler'') *ambulance *ambuscade *ambush (Old Fr. ''embuscher'') *amelioration *amenable *amend *amendment *amends *amenity *amerce *amethyst *ami *amiable *amity *ammonite *ammunition, from ''munition'' *amnesty, compare ''amnistie'' *amorous, from Old French, compare modern Fr. ''amoureux'' *amortise *amount *amour *amour-propre *ampere *ample *amplify *amplitude *ampoule *ampul *amulet (Middle Fr. ''amulette'') *amuse *amusement *anagram *analogue *analyse *analyst *anatomy *ancestor (Old Fr. ''ancestre'', compare modern Fr. ''ancêtre'') *ancestral *ancestry *ancien regime *ancient *andiron (Old Fr. ''andier'') *andouille *anecdote *angel (Old Fr. ''angel'') *angelic *angle *anguish (from Old French ''anguisse'', now ''angoisse'') *anime Fr. ''animé'' *animosity *anise (Old Fr. ''anis'') *anisette *annals (Old Fr. ''annales'') *annelid *annex, (Old F. ''annexer'') *annihilation *announce *announcement *annoy, from Old French ''anoier'', modern Fr. ''ennuyer'' *annoyance *annual (Old Fr. ''annuel'') *annuity (Old Fr. ''annuité'') *annul (Old Fr. ''annuler'') *annunciation (Fr. ''annonciation'') *anoint (Old Fr. ''enoint'', p.p. of ''enoindre'', compare modern Fr. ''oindre'') *anomy *anonym (Fr. ''anonyme'') *antecedent, compare ''antécédent'' *antechamber, compare ''antichambre'' *antelope, (Old Fr. ''antelop'', compare modern Fr. ''antilope'') *anther, compare ''anthère'' *antibiotic, Fr. ''antibiotique'' *antigen, Fr. ''antigène'' *antique *antiquity (Old Fr. ''antiquitet'', compare modern Fr. ''antiquité'') *antler (Anglo-Fr. ''auntiler'', from Old Fr. ''antoillier'', modern Fr. ''andouiller'') *anus (Old Fr. ''anus'') *apart (Old Fr. ''à part'') *apartment, Fr. ''appartement'' *apathy *apercu, Fr. ''aperçu'' *aperitif, Fr. ''apéritif'' *aphorism *aplomb *apologetic *apologist *apologue *apoplectic *aporetic *apostille *apostle (Old Fr. ''apostle'', compare modern Fr. ''apôtre'') *apostrophe *apothecary (Old Fr. ''apotecaire'', compare modern Fr. ''apothicaire'') *appall (Old Fr. ''apalir'', compare modern Fr. ''pâlir'') *appanage (Old Fr. ''apanage'') *apparel, (Old Fr. ''apareillier'', compare modern Fr. ''appareil'') *apparent *apparition *appeal *appear *appearance *appease *appeasement *appellant *appellation *appellee *apperception *appertain *appetence *appetite *application *applique *apply (Old Fr. ''aplier'', compare modern Fr. ''appliquer'' (implement )) *appoint *appointee *appointment *apportion *appose *appraise *appreciable *appreciation *apprehend *apprise *approach *approbation *appropre *approvance *approve *appurtenance *appurtenant *apricot (Fr. ''abricot'', from Port. ''albricoque'', from Arabic ''al-birquq'') *apron (Old Fr. ''naperon'') *après-ski *apropos (Fr. ''à propos'') *aquarelle *aquatic *aqueous *arabesque *arable *arachnid *arbalest *arbitrage *arbitration *arbitrator *arbiter *arbor *arbour *arc *arcade *arch *archaic *archduke *archeology *archer *archery *archetype *architect *architecture *archives *arctic *ardent *ardour *are *arête *argent (Fr. ''argent'') *argot *argue, (Old French ''arguer'') *argument *argumentation *aridity *aristocracy *aristocrat *aristocratic *arithmetic *arm () (Old French ''arme'') *armagnac *armament *armature *armistice *armoire *armorer *armour *army *aromatherapy *aromatic *arraign *arraignment *arrange *arrangement *arras *array *arrearage *arrears *arrest, from O.Fr. ''arester'' *arrive *arriviste *arrogance *arrogant *arrondissement *arsenal *arsenic *arson *art *art brut *art deco *art nouveau *arterial *artery *artesian *article *articulation *artifice *artificial *artillery *artisan *artist *artiste *artistic *asbestos (Old Fr. ''abeste'') *ascendant *ascertain *ascribe (Old Fr. ''ascrivre'') *ashlar (Old Fr. ''aiseler'') *asine *askance (Old Fr. ''à escone'') *asp (Middle Fr. ''aspe'', modern Fr. ''vipère aspic'') *asperity *aspic *aspirant *aspire *assail *assailant *assassin (Fr. ''assassin'', from Arabic ''hashishiyyin'' (users )) *assault *assay *assemblage *assemble *assembly *assent *assertion *assess (Anglo Fr. ''assesser'') *assessor (Old Fr. ''assessour'', compare modern Fr. ''assesseur'') *assets (Anglo Fr. ''asetz'', from Old Fr. ''assez ()'') *assign *assignation *assignee *assignment *assist *assistance *assistant *assize *assonance *assort *assuage *assume *assurance *assure *astonish *astray *astrolabe *astronomy *atavism *atelier *atheism *atheist *attach *attaché *attachment *attack *attain *attainder *attainment *attempt *attend *attendance *attendant *attentive *attest *attestation *attire *attitude *attorn *attorney (Old Fr. ''atorné'' () p.p. of ''aturner'') *attraction *attractive *attribution *aubade *aubain *aubergine *auburn *au courant *audible *audience *audition *auditor *au fait *augment *augmentation *augmentative *au naturel *au pair *aunt (Anglo Fr. ''aunte'', from Old Fr. ''ante'', compare modern Fr. ''tante'') *aureole *auspices *austerity *auteur *authentic *author (Old Fr. ''auctor'', compare modern Fr. ''auteur'') *authorise *authority *autoclave *autocracy *autocrat *autocratic *automobile *autumn *avail *avalanche *avant *avant-garde *avarice *avaricious *avaunt *avenge *avenue *aver *average *averment *avert *aviation (Fr. ''aviation'') *aviator *avid (Fr. ''avide'') *avidity *avocet *avoid (Old Fr. ''evuider'') *avoirdupois *avouch *avow (Old Fr. ''aveu'') *await (Anglo Fr. ''awaitier'', from Old Fr. ''agaitier'') *award (Anglo Fr. ''awarder'', from Old Fr. ''esguarder'') *axiom (Fr. ''axiome'') *aye-aye *azimuth (Old Fr. ''azimut'', from Arabic ''as-sumut'') *azure (Old Fr. ''azur'', from Arabic ''(al)-lazaward'', from Persian ''lajward'') 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「List of English words of French origin (A-C)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク